Disruptores Endocrinos y Toxicología Ambiental.

Página web del grupo:

Investigador responsable: Mónica Morales Camarzana.

Body: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia


  • Estrella Cortés Rubio. UNED
  • Raquel Martín Folgar. UNED
  • Pedro José Martínez de Paz. UNED
  • Mónica Morales. UNED
  • Ana Belén Muñiz González. UNED
  • Estudio de disruptores endocrinos relevantes en salud.
  • Receptores hormonales.
  • Ecotoxicología y cambio climático: estandarización de bioensayos toxicogenómicos en invertebrados.
  • Evaluación del impacto de disruptores endocrinos ambientales en invertebrados bénticos. Identificación de biomarcadores moleculares por medio de tecnologías genómicas.
  • Estudio de los efectos del cambio climático sobre la toxicidad de contaminantes derivados del plástico en los organismos acuáticos.
  • Estudio de los efectos del cambio climático sobre la toxicidad de nanomateriales en organismos acuáticos.
  • Microarrays
  • RNA-seq
  • scRNA-seq
  • Bioinformatics

-Nombre del proyecto: Evaluación de la ecotoxicidad crónica de cinco antibióticos (ciprofloxacina, amoxicilina, eritromicina, tetraciclina y sulfatiazol) en condiciones de multiestrés en el invertebrado acuático Chironomus riparius.
Entidad/es financiadora/s: UNED-Santander (2022-2024)

-Nombre del proyecto: Nanoplásticos "reales" y cambio climático: bioensayos toxicogenómicos en organismos acuáticos. Entidad/es financiadora/s: IMIENS (2023-2025)

- Raquel Martin-Folgar, Mª Carmen González-Caballero, Mónica Torres-Ruiz, Ana I. Cañas-Portilla, Mercedes de Alba González, Isabel Liste, Mónica Morales (2024). Molecular effects of polystyrene nanoplastics on human neural stem cells. PLoS ONE 19(1): e0295816. Link

- Raquel Martin-Folgar, Celia Sabroso, Ana I. Cañas-Portilla, Mónica Torres-Ruíz, Mª Carmen González-Caballero, Helena Dorado, Ignacio Velasco, Monica Morales (2024). DNA damage and molecular level effects induced by polystyrenine (PS) nanoplastics (NPs) after Chironomus riparius (Diptera) larvae. Chemosphere 346, 140552. Link

- Hamdi, E., Hidouri, S., Muñiz‐Gonzalez, A.B., Bermejo, A. M., Venero, C., Amara, S & Landoulsi, A. (2024). The role of glutamic acid-modified silica nanoparticles in promoting brain health. Advances in Redox Research, 10, 100095. Link

-Jeremias, G., Muñiz-González, A.B., Gonçalves, F., Martínez-Guitarte,J.L., Asselman,J and Pereira, J.L. (2024). History of exposure to copper influences transgenerational gene expression response in Daphnia magna. Epigenetics, vol. 19, Nº. 1, 2296275. Link

-Pinto, TDJ., Martínez-Guitarte, J.L., Amaral Dias, M., Montagner, C.C., Espindola, E.L.G., Muñiz-González, A.B. (2024). Environmentally Relevant Concentrations of the Insecticide Fipronil Modulated Molecular Response in Chironomus riparius. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 43, (2) 405–41.7.

- Raquel Martín Folgar, Adrian Esteban Arranz, Viviana Negri, Monica Morales (2023). Graphene Oxides (GOs) with Different Lateral Dimensions and Thicknesses Affect the Molecular Response in Chironomus riparius. Nanomaterials 13(6). Link

- Mónica Torres-Ruiz, Mercedes de Alba González, Mónica Morales, Raquel Martin-Folgar, Mª. Carmen González, Ana I. Cañas-Portilla, Antonio De la Vieja (2023). Neurotoxicity and endocrine disruption caused by polystyrene nanoparticles in zebrafish embryo. Science of The Total Environment 874, 20. Link

- Martín Folgar, R., Torres Ruiz, M., Alba, M., Cañas, I., González, MC., Morales, M (2023). Molecular effects of polystyrene nanoplastics toxicity in zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio). Chemosphere 312(20): 137077. Link.

Muñiz-González A.B, Martínez-Guitarte J-L, Lencioni V. Impact of Global Warming on Kryal Fauna: Thermal Tolerance Response of Diamesa steinboecki (Goetghebuer, 1933; Chironomidae). (2023) Diversity, 15(6):708. Link

-Hamdi, E., Muñiz‐Gonzalez, A.B., Hidouri, S., Bermejo, A. M., Sakly, M., Venero, C., & Amara, S. (2023). Prevention of neurotoxicity and cognitive impairment induced by zinc nanoparticles by oral administration of saffron extract. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 1–22. Link

-Kalman, J., Muñiz-González, A.B., García, M.A & Martínez-Guitarte, J.L. 2023. Chironomus riparius molecular response to polystyrene primary microplastics. Science of the Total Environment, 868, 161540. Link

-Muñiz-González, A.B., Campos, I., Ré, A., Martínez-Guitarte, J.L & Abrantes, N. (2023). Effects of wildfire ashes on aquatic invertebrates: First molecular approach on Chironomus riparius larvae. Science of the Total Environment, 858, 159899. Link

- Martin-Folgar R, Esteban-Arranz A, Negri V, Morales M. (2022). Toxicological effects of three different types of highly pure graphene oxide in the midge Chironomus riparius. Science of The Total Environment, 1, 152465. Link.

- Pedro Martínez-Paz, Javier Gomez-Pilar, Marta Martín-Fernández, Francisco C. Ceballos, Esther Gómez-Sánchez, Roberto Hornero, Eduardo Tamayo (2023). Gene co-expression networks offer new perspectives on sepsis pathophysiology. ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatic 20 (6), 3660-3668. Link

- Mercedes De la Fuente, Raquel Martín Folgar, Pedro Martínez de Paz, Estrella Cortés, José Luis Martínez Guitarte, Monica Morales (2022). Effect of environmental stressors on the mRNA expression of ecdysone cascade genes in Chironomus riparius. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29(4):1-12 (I.F.5.19, Q1 in Environmental Sciences) Link

-Muñiz-González, A.B., Paoli, F., Martínez-Guitarte, J.L., & Lencioni, V. 2021. Molecular biomarkers as tool for early warning by chlorpyrifos exposure on Alpine chironomids. Environmental Pollution, 290, 118061. Link

-Carrasco-Navarro, V., Muñiz-González, A.B., Sorvari, J., & Martínez-Guitarte, J.L. Altered gene expression in Chironomus riparius (insecta) in response to tire rubber and polystyrene microplastics. (2021). Environmental Pollution, 285, 118061. Link

-Muñiz-González, A.B., Silva, C., Silva, A.L., Campos, D., Pestana, J., Martínez-Guitarte, J.L. (2021). Suborganismal responses of the aquatic midge Chironomus riparius to polyethylene microplastics. Science of the Total Environment, Volume 783, 146981. Link

-Marcos, A; Trigo, D; Muñiz-González, A.B; Tilikj, N; Martínez-Guitarte, J.L; Novo, M. (2021). Effects of Bisphenol S on the life cycle of earthworms and its assessment in the context of climate change. Science of the Total Environment, 781, 146689. Link

-Muñiz-González, A.B., Novo, M., & Martínez Guitarte, J.L. (2021). Persistent pesticides: effects of endosulfan at the molecular level on the aquatic invertebrate Chironomus riparius. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28 (24): 31431-31446. Link

-Muñiz-González, A.B. 2021. Ibuprofen as an emerging pollutant on non-target aquatic invertebrates: Effects on Chironomus riparius. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 81, 103537.  Link


- Monica Morales, Mercedes De la Fuente, Raquel Martín Folgar (2020) BPA and its analogues (BPS and BPF) modify the expression of genes involved in the endocrine pathway and apoptosis and a multi drug resistance gene of the aquatic midge Chironomus riparius (Diptera). Environmental Pollution 265(Pt A):114806. Link

-  María Heredia-Rodríguez, Sara Balbás-Álvarez, Mario Lorenzo-López, Estefanía Gómez-Pequera, Pablo Jorge-Monjas, Silvia Rojo-Rello, Laura Sánchez-De Prada, Ivan Sanz-Muñoz, José María Eiros, MD, Pedro Martínez-Paz, Hugo Gonzalo-Benito, Álvaro Tamayo-Velasco, Marta Martín-Fernández, Pilar Sánchez-Conde, Eduardo Tamayo, Esther Gómez-Sánchez (2022). PCR based diagnosis of respiratory virus in postsurgical septic patients. A preliminary study before SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Medicine  101(32):e29902. Enlace

-  Álvaro Aparisi, Marta Martín-Fernández, Cristina Ybarra-Falcón, José Francisco Gil, Manuel Carrasco-Moraleja, Pedro Martínez-Paz, Iván Cusácovich, Hugo Gonzalo-Benito, Raúl Fuertes, Marta Marcos-Mangas, Carolina Iglesias-Echeverría, J. Alberto San Román, Eduardo Tamayo, David Andaluz-Ojeda, Álvaro Tamayo-Velasco (2022). Dyslipidemia and Inflammation as Hallmarks of Oxidative Stress in COVID-19- A Follow-Up Study. International Journal of Molecular Science 23(23):15350. Enlace

- Felipe Pérez-García, Maria Ángeles Jiménez-Sousa, Esther Gómez-Sánchez, Hugo Gonzalo-Benito, Amanda Fernández-Rodríguez, Mario Lorenzo-López, María Heredia-Rodríguez, Pedro Martínez-Paz, Estefanía Gómez-Pesquera, Eduardo Tamayo, Salvador Resino (2022). CEACAM7 polymorphisms predict genetic predisposition to mortality in post-surgical septic shock patients. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection 55(3), 540-544. Enlace

-  Óscar Gorgojo-Galindo, Marta Martín-Fernández, María Jesús Peñarrubia-Ponce, Francisco Javier Álvarez, Christian Ortega-Loubon, Hugo Gonzalo-Benito, Pedro Martínez-Paz, José Pablo Miramontes-González, Esther Gómez-Sánchez, Rodrigo Poves-Álvarez, Pablo Jorge-Monjas, Eduardo Tamayo, María Heredia-Rodríguez, Álvaro Tamayo-Velasco (2021).  Predictive modeling of poor outcome in severe COVID-19. A single-center observational study based on clinical, cytokine and laboratory profiles. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10(22), 5431. Enlace

-  Marta Martín-Fernández, Rocío Aller, María Heredia-Rodríguez, Esther Gómez-Sánchez, Pedro Martínez-Paz, Hugo Gonzalo-Benito, Laura Sánchez-de Prada, Óscar Gorgojo, Irene Carnicero-Frutos, Eduardo Tamayo, Álvaro Tamayo-Velasco (2021). Lipid peroxidation as a hallmark of severity in COVID-19 patients.  Redox Biology 6(48), 102181. Enlance

-  Álvaro Tamayo-Velasco, Pedro Martínez-Paz, María Jesús Peñarrubia-Ponce, Ignacio de la Fuente, Sonia Pérez-González, Itziar Fernández, Carlos Dueñas, Esther Gómez-Sánchez, Mario Lorenzo-López, Estefanía Gómez-Pesquera, María Heredia-Rodríguez, Irene Carnicero-Frutos, María Fe Muñoz-Moreno, David Bernardo, Francisco Javier Álvarez, Eduardo Tamayo, Hugo Gonzalo-Benito  (2021). HGF, IL-1α, and IL-27 are robust biomarkers in early severity stratification of COVID-19 patients. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10(9), 2017. Enlace

- Pedro Martínez-Paz, Marta Aragón-Camino, Esther Gómez-Sánchez, Mario Lorenzo-López, Estefanía Gómez-Pesquera, Alejandra Fadrique-Fuentes, Pilar Liu, Álvaro Tamayo-Velasco, Christian Ortega-Loubon, Marta Martín-Fernández, Hugo Gonzalo-Benito, Emilio García-Morán, María Heredia-Rodríguez, Eduardo Tamayo (2021). Distinguishing septic shock from non-septic shock in postsurgical patients using gene expression.  Journal of Infection 83, 147–155. Enlace

-  Christian Ortega-Loubon, Pedro Martínez-Paz, Emilio García-Morán, Álvaro Tamayo-Velasco, Francisco J. López-Hernández, Pablo Jorge-Monjas, and Eduardo Tamayo (2021). Genetic susceptibility to acute kidney injury. Journal of Clinical Medicine  10(14), 3039. Enlace

-  Marta Martín-Fernández, Álvaro Tamayo-Velasco, Rocío Aller, Hugo Gonzalo-Benito, Pedro Martínez-Paz, Eduardo Tamayo  (2021) Endothelial dysfunction and neutrophil degranulation as central events in sepsis physiopathology.  International Journal of Molecular Science 22(12), 6272. Enlace

-  Álvaro Tamayo-Velasco, María Jesús Peñarrubia Ponce, Francisco Javier Álvarez, Hugo Gonzalo-Benito, Ignacio de la Fuente, Sonia Pérez-González, Lucía Rico, María Teresa Jiménez García, Alba Sánchez Rodríguez, Milagros Hijas Villaizan, Marta Martín-Fernández, Carlos Dueñas, Esther Gómez-Sánchez, María Heredia-Rodríguez, Óscar Gorgojo-Galindo, Itziar Fernández, Lourdes Del Río, Irene Carnicero-Frutos, María Fe Muñoz-Moreno, Eduardo Tamayo, David Bernardo, Pedro Martínez-Paz (2021). Can the cytokine profile according to ABO blood groups be related to worse outcome in COVID-19 patients. Yes, they can.  Frontiers in Immunology 12, 726283. Enlace

- Pedro Martínez-Paz, Marta Aragón-Camino, Esther Gómez-Sánchez, Mario Lorenzo-López, Estefanía Gómez-Pesquera, Rocío López-Herrero, Belén Sánchez-Quirós, Olga de la Varga, Álvaro Tamayo-Velasco, Christian Ortega-Loubon, Emilio García-Morán, Hugo Gonzalo-Benito, María Heredia-Rodríguez, Eduardo Tamayo (2020) Gene expression patterns distinguish mortality risk in patients with postsurgical shock. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9(5), 1276. Enlace

-  Felipe Pérez-García, Maria Ángeles Jiménez-Sousa, Susana Soria, Pablo Jorge-Monjas, Amanda Fernández-Rodríguez, Esther Gómez-Sánchez, María Heredia-Rodríguez, Estefanía Gómez-Pesquera, Pedro Martínez-Paz, Eduardo Tamayo, Salvador Resino (2020). IFNL3 rs12980275 polymorphism predicts septic shock-related death in patients undergoing major surgery. A retrospective study. Frontiers in Medicine 14(7), 186. Enlace

- Martínez-Paz P, Negri V, Esteban-Arranz A, Martínez-Guitarte JL, Ballesteros P, Morales M (2019). Effects at molecular level of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) in Chironomus riparius (Diptera) aquatic larvae. Aquatic Toxicology 209, 42–48. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2019.01.017. Link.

- Raquel Martín-Folgar, José-Luis Martínez-Guitarte (2019) Effects of single and mixture exposure of cadmium and copper in apoptosis and immune related genes at transcriptional level on the midge Chironomus riparius Meigen (Diptera, Chironomidae).  Science of the Total Environment. Link

-Novo, N., Muñiz González, A.B., Trigo, D., Casquero, S & Martínez Guitarte, J.L.2019. Applying sunscreens on earthworms: Molecular response of Eisenia fetida after direct contact with an organic UV filter. Science of the Total Environment. 676, 97 - 104. Link

- Morales M, Martínez-Paz P, Sánchez-Argüello P, Morcillo G, Martínez-Guitarte JL (2018) Bisphenol A (BPA) modulates the expression of endocrine and stress response genes in the freshwater snail Physa acuta. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 152, 132–138. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.01.034. Link

- Raquel Martín-Folgar, Mónica Aquilino, Irene Ozáez, José-Luis Martínez-Guitarte (2018) Ultraviolet filters and heat shock proteins: effects in Chironomus riparius by benzophenone-3 and 4-methylbenzylidene camphor.  Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Link

-Muñiz González, A.B & Martínez Guitarte, J.L. 2018. Effects of single exposure and binary mixtures of ultraviolet filters octocrylene and 2-ethylhexyl 4-(dimethylamino) benzoate on gene expression in the freshwater insect Chironomus riparius. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25 (35), 35501 - 35514. Link

- Martínez-Paz P, Morales M, Urien J, Morcillo G, Martínez-Guitarte JL (2017) Endocrine-related genes are altered by antibacterial agent triclosan in Chironomus riparius aquatic larvae. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 140: 185–190. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.02.047.Link

- Martínez-Paz P, Morales M, Sánchez-Argüello P, Morcillo G, Martínez-Guitarte JL (2017) Cadmium in vivo exposure alters stress response and endocrine-related genes in the freshwater snail Physa acuta. New biomarker genes in a new model organism. Environmental Pollution. 220: 1488-1497. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.10.012. Link

- Raquel Martín-Folgar, José-Luis Martínez-Guitarte (2017) Cadmium alters the expression of small heat shock protein genes in the aquatic midge Chironomus riparius Chemosphere. Link

- Raquel Martin-Folgar, Mercedes de la Fuente, Gloria Morcillo, Jose-Luis Martinez-Guitarte (2015) Characterization of six small HSP genes from Chironomus riparius (Diptera, Chironomidae): Differential expression under conditions of normal growth and heat-induced stress.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A (CBP). Link

- Morales M, Martínez-Paz P, Martin R, Planelló R, Urien J, Martínez-Guitarte JL, Morcillo G (2014) Transcriptional changes induced by in vivo exposure to pentachlorophenol (PCP) in Chironomus riparius (Diptera) aquatic larvae. Aquatic Toxicology. 157: 1-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2014.09.009. Link

- Torres JM, Espinosa JC, Aguilar-Calvo P, Herva ME, Relaño-Ginés A, Villa-Diaz A, Morales M, Parra B, Alamillo E, Brun A, Castilla J, Molina S, Hawkins SAC, Andreoletti O (2014) Elements Modulating the Prion Species Barrier and Its Passage Consequences. PLoS One 9 (3): 1-9. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0089722. Link

- Martínez-Paz P, Morales M, Martin R, Martínez-Guitarte JL, Morcillo G (2014) Characterization of the small heat shock protein Hsp27 gene in Chironomus riparius (Diptera) and its expression profile in response to temperature changes and xenobiotic exposures. Cell Stress and Chaperones. 19 (4): 529-540. DOI: 10.1007/s12192-013-0479-y. Link


  • Cultivo de organismos invertebrados.
  • Análisis de supervivencia.
  • Clonaje y secuenciación de ADN.
  • PCR convencional.
  • PCR en tiempo real.
  • Análisis de expresión génica.
  • Ensayos de actividades enzimáticas.
  • Ensayo cometa (genotoxicidad).
  • Western Blot.
  • Northern Blot.
  • Microscopía óptica de fluorescencia.

En el laboratorio del Grupo de Biología y Toxicología Ambiental de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNED se dispone de:

  • Un equipo de Real-Time PCR (BioRad)
  • Horno de hibridación (Thermo Hybaid).
  • Centrífuga refrigerada (Jouan).
  • Microcentrífuga (Eppendorf).
  • Microcentrífuga refrigerada (Hettich Zentrifugen).
  • Sistema de captura de imágenes y documentación digital de geles, con detección de fluorescencia y quimioluminiscencia (Syngene).
  • Espectrofotómetro UV-visible (Eppendorf).
  • Congelador -25ºC (Liebherr), congelador -80°C (Thermo Forma).
  • Baño termostatizado con agitación (Memmert).
  • Cubetas de electroforesis para proteínas (BioRad) y ácidos nucleicos (Sigma, GE Healthcare).
  • Pequeño aparataje (micropipetas, balanza analítica, autoclave, agitadores, pHmetro, etc.).
  • Lupa binocular (Nikon) y microscopio de fluorescencia (Zeiss) acoplado a cámara digital color (CoolSnap).
  • Microscopio confocal (Nikon) y microscopio electrónico (Hitachi S 2000N).